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Cerasee Tea – Benefits (Detox & Weight Loss, Acne, Diabetes) & Side Effects

Cerasee tea (scientifically known as Momordica Charantia), also referred to as bitter melon, is made from the leaves of the bitter melon plant, that is grown throughout Asia and Africa.

It was introduced to North America and Latin America by African slaves.

In the present day, it is a staple in Jamaica where it grows wild.

The fruit of the bitter melon plant looks similar to a bumpy cucumber.

Bitter melon is used as a food and, along with its seeds, roots, and leaves, as a herbal natural remedy.

The constituents of the leaves are momordicin, a bitter alkaloid.

In addition, it contains vitamin C, vitamin A (in the form of carotenoids), phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Uses & Benefits of Cerasee Tea


Over time, the human body becomes overloaded with toxins both from internal forces, such as pesticides and processed foods, and external forces, like – pollution in the air.

To make sure that the body’s systems are running properly, it is vital to flush these toxins out of the physical body regularly.

This tea has the ability to counter these toxins by helping the body cleanse the kidneys and liver.


Cancer is the 2nd leading cause of death in the US, making it one of modern medicine’s greatest challenges.

For instance, in 2017, there were an estimated 600,920 cancer deaths and 1,688,780 new cancer cases diagnosed.

A compound called guanylate cyclase inside the bitter melon has the capacity to inhibit the growth of cancer caused by chemicals, according to a study that was done at the University of Miami School of Medicine.


Acne (acne vulgaris) is a disease of the hair follicles of the chest, face, and back which affects most teenagers during puberty.

However, the fact that acne only lasts during your teen years is just a myth. Unfortunately, anyone at any age can suffer from acne.

According to statistics, over 15 million adults in the United States have acne.

Bitter melon bacteria-fighting ability protects against Propionibacterium acnes, which is the main bacterium responsible for causing treatment-resistant acne, according to a 2015 Taiwanese study.

Gallic Acid

The phenol content of the tea is dominated by gallic acid, a potent polyphenol which has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-microbial attributes.

In addition, gallic acid has antihyperlipidemic properties which are very useful for people that have a regular high-fat diet.

According to studies, gallic acid can decrease the levels of low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides (a type of fat in the blood) and it increases the levels of high-density lipoprotein (good) cholesterol.

HIV Infection

HIV is the virus that causes HIV infection. Without medical treatment, the virus will get worse over time and seriously damage the immune system.

AIDS is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. The symptoms vary in severity and type from person-to-person.

Bisexual, gay, and other men who have sex with men have the highest risk to get this infection. According to statistics, they represent about 60% of all HIV infections.

Cerasee tea’s antiviral properties may help treat HIV infection. It can be used with other HIV medication or alone.

Weight Loss

Obesity is a global epidemic with a fast increasing prevalence worldwide.

For example, the obesity rate for American adults reaches 38.2 percent, according to an updated survey from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Worldwide, there are over 1.9 billion overweight adults. Of these, approximately 650 million are obese.

Bitter melon tea is effective in reducing and suppressing lipid accumulation in the physical body by successfully regulating adipocytokine gene expression and adipogenic transcription factors.

Strong Antioxidant Properties

The tea produced from the bitter melon fruit has a high amount of antioxidants, according to a 2008 issue of “Food Chemistry.”

These antioxidants will bind with free radicals (which are caused by the body’s natural processes as well as from outside sources, like – tobacco smoke), helping you to maintain optimum health.


Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way the body handles glucose, a type of sugar, in the blood. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is the most common form of diabetes.

If you have type 2 diabetes mellitus, the body does not use insulin correctly. This is called insulin resistance.

However, the secret to managing diabetes is not found in a pill.

In most patients, the best method to treat (and prevent) type 2 diabetes mellitus is by practicing healthy habits on a daily basis.

Clinical trials have established that three constituents found in cerasee tea, including charantin (a natural steroidal glycoside), vicine, and polypeptide-p, have strong anti-diabetic attributes which help in lowering blood glucose (sugar) levels.

Stomach Ulcerscolon large intestine

Stomach ulcers, also referred to as gastric ulcers, are painful sores in the stomach lining.

The most common stomach ulcer symptom is burning stomach pain. Other symptoms may include:

  • feeling satiated when eating;
  • acid reflux or heartburn.

The whole powdered bitter melon plant treats stomach ulcers, as per a review that was issued in the International Journal of Microbiology.

Side Effects of Cerasee Tea

This tea should be taken for a maximum of 9 days and then break until further use when required.

Also, drinking this tea for a longer period of time can significantly increase the risk of developing liver inflammation.

Moreover, the tea can negatively interact with other drugs, such as – insulin (used by diabetics), which can lead to severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Other side effects may include:headache

  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain.

Is Bitter Melon Tea Suitable For Pregnant Women?pregnant woman

No, since this tea may stimulate menstruation as well as it can induce abortion.

How Much Cerarsee Tea To Drink Per Day

1 to 2 cans per day for a maximum of 9 days.

How To Make Bitter Melon Tea


  • 6 tea bags;
  • 4 c water;
  • 1 tbsp raw honey or coconut sugar.


Bring water to a boil over medium-high heat. Pour the boiling water into a heat-resistant glass container and add the tea bags. Allow the tea to steep for twenty minutes.

Once the tea has slightly cooled, add honey (coconut sugar). Stir. Serve the tea. Add more honey (or coconut sugar) if the tea is too bitter.

Images credit – Shutterstock

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