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Lime vs Lemon

Find out what are the differences between limes and lemons:


When it comes to citrus fruits, lime and lemon are two of the most popular and widely used around the world.

They both belong to the same family and have a lot in common, which usually leads to confusion. However, regardless of their similarities, these two fruits have distinct characteristics, flavors, and uses that set them apart.

Limes, with their vibrant green hue and strong, tart flavor, are integral in cuisines from Mexico to Thailand. On the other hand, lemons, known for their bright yellow skin and a balance of tartness and sweetness, have been a staple in Mediterranean dishes for centuries. But, these descriptions merely scratch the surface.

Today, we’ll take a deep dive into the lime vs lemon debate, breaking down their unique qualities, nutritional profiles, culinary uses, and more.


Lime (scientific name – Citrus aurantifolia) is a green-colored hybrid citrus fruit that is an excellent source of antioxidants.

There are a few varieties of lime fruit to choose from, with colors ranging from yellow to medium green.

It is a star ingredient in dressings and marinades, an excellent addition to many cocktails, and does wonders as it adds a burst of freshness to numerous meals.


Lemon is fabulous in our food and drinks and a popular ingredient in home care products due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

This fruit has been known as a natural remedy for centuries – most famously as a treatment for scurvy (early symptoms include feeling tired, weakness, and sore legs and arms) among sailors on the ships.

Interestingly, ancient Egyptians believed that drinking lemon juice and consuming lemons was a good protection against many poisons.

Nutrition Facts

100g of raw limes contains:

  • 30 calories;
  • 2.8g Fiber – 11% daily value;
  • 0.7g Protein – 1% DV;
  • 50IU Vitamin A – 1% DV;
  • 29.1mg Vitamin C – 48% DV;
  • 0.6 mg Vitamin E – 3% DV;
  • 0.6mcg Vitamin K – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Thiamin – 2% DV;
  • 0.1mg Riboflavin – 1% DV;
  • 0.2mg Niacin – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Vitamin B6 – 1% DV;
  • 8mcg Folate – 2% DV;
  • 0.2mg Pantothenic Acid – 2% DV;
  • 5.1mg Choline;
  • 33mg Calcium – 3% DV;
  • 0.6mg Iron – 3% DV;
  • 6mg Magnesium – 1% DV;
  • 18mg Phosphorus – 2% DV;
  • 102mg Potassium – 3% DV;
  • 0.1mg Zinc – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Copper – 3% DV;
  • 0.4mcg Selenium – 1% DV.

100g of lemons contains:

  • 29 calories;
  • 2.8g Fiber – 11% daily value;
  • 1.1g Protein – 2% DV;
  • 22IU Vitamin A – 1% DV;
  • 53mg Vitamin C – 88% DV;
  • 0.2 mg Vitamin E – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Thiamin – 3% DV;
  • 0.1mg Riboflavin – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Niacin – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Vitamin B6 – 4% DV;
  • 11mcg Folate – 3% DV;
  • 0.2mg Pantothenic Acid – 2% DV;
  • 5.1mg Choline;
  • 26mg Calcium – 3% DV;
  • 0.6mg Iron – 3% DV;
  • 8mg Magnesium – 2% DV;
  • 16mg Phosphorus – 2% DV;
  • 138mg Potassium – 4% DV;
  • 0.1mg Zinc – 1% DV;
  • 0.1mg Copper – 2% DV;
  • 0.4mcg Selenium – 1% DV.

Health Benefits



Calcium is the 4th most prevalent mineral in the body. Approximately 99 percent of the calcium is stored in our teeth and bones, helping them stay strong.

A regular diet high in calcium and low in fat may spur fat cells to produce less fat, according to a study that was done at the University of Tennessee.

Moreover, women who took 1,200 mg of calcium daily from nutrition have reduced overall PMS symptoms by about 50%, as per a study which was conducted at the National Institute of Mental Health.

100g of limes has 33 mg Calcium, which is about 3 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a potent nutrient you need both out and inside your body for beauty and health.

This vitamin also serves as an effective antioxidant and could protect tissues and cells in the human body, including cells in the eyes and brain cells.

As with many other antioxidants, this vitamin also helps to ward off heart disease by preventing free radicals from damaging artery walls.

Individuals who eat a regular diet high in vitamin C have fewer wrinkles than people not getting enough of the important nutrients, according to a study issued in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Moreover, vitamin C is excellent for your bones and teeth since it is a good facilitator for transporting protein throughout the body.

Lower vitamin C levels have been strongly associated with higher body mass index, higher waist circumference, and a higher percentage of body fat.

100 grams of limes has 29.1 mg vitamin C, which is approximately 48% of the daily recommended intake.

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Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a broad term for tocopherol, that is found in various forms.

A vitamin E-rich diet protects against free radical damage and the normal effects of aging and supports healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamin E is also vital for the brain, cardiovascular, and nervous system function and health as well as for reproductive health, for both women and men.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin E is 15 mg a day, and during breastfeeding, 19 mg a day.

100 grams of limes has 0.6 mg of vitamin E, which is approximately 3 percent of the daily recommended intake.


Fiber consists of nondigestible lignin and carbohydrates, which are intact and intrinsic in plants.

According to recent research, not eating sufficient dietary fiber can leave you chronically bloated since food and digestive byproducts just sit in the digestive tract.

Fiber has many other health benefits, including reducing the risk of:

  • diverticular disease;
  • colon cancer;
  • heart disease;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus.

The US FDA recommends that you get at least 25 grams of dietary fiber per day. However, some specialists think that 40 to 45 grams per day is much better. Most people get less than 10 grams per day.

100 grams of limes has 2.8g of fiber which is about 11 percent of the daily recommended intake.

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important vitamins to get in your regular diet on a daily basis.

It is especially useful to prevent scurvy. The first symptom of scurvy is bleeding gums, as there is not enough collagen (a type of protein) to help keep gum cells together.

Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus can also benefit from extra vitamin C too, as this vitamin can help regulate blood glucose levels.

100 grams of lemons have 53 mg of vitamin C, which is about 88 percent of the daily recommended intake.

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Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is a B-complex vitamin that everyone needs.

It is mainly known as the ”pregnancy vitamin,” where women who are planning to conceive children take 400 μg folic acid (the synthetic form of vitamin B9) daily. However, unlike folic acid, folate has no side effects.

Folate also helps our body to prevent changes to DNA which could potentially lead to serious diseases as well as to maintain and produce new cells.

A deficiency in folate, commonly together with a lack of vitamin B12, can lead to megaloblastic anemia. The signs and symptoms of folate deficiency include:

  • pale skin;
  • fatigue;
  • shortness of breath;
  • gray hair;
  • irritability;
  • mouth sores;
  • lethargy;
  • tongue swelling;
  • weakness;
  • growth problems;
  • persistent fatigue.

100 grams of lemons have 11 mcg of folate, which is approximately 3 percent of the daily recommended intake.


Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that helps muscles and nerves function correctly, as well as moving waste and nutrients around cells.

Potassium also helps maintain normal blood pressure by blunting the effect of sodium as well, and it helps regulate fluids in and out of body cells.

100 grams of lemons have 138 mg of potassium, which is approximately 4% of the daily recommended intake.

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Fiber is a component of carbohydrates that cannot be digested, however, it provides an important role in moving food residue through the digestive system. Fiber also slows down the digestive process, therefore, you can go longer without feeling hungry.

Individuals who ate more dietary fiber from the diet experience a lower risk of age-related diseases, according to a study that was issued in The Journals of Gerontology.

Boosting your dietary fiber intake by about 10g a day will lower your risk of dying from cancer, diabetes, or heart disease by 10%, as per research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

100 grams of lemons have 2.8 grams of fiber which is approximately 11 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Bottom Line – Lime vs Lemon

In conclusion, both fruits have an excellent nutritional profile, but lemons have more vitamin C. In addition, both can be substituted with each other in recipes.

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