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E338: Health Hazards

Is Phosphoric Acid Bad for Me?


Phosphoric acid, also known as orthophosphoric acid or E338, is a colorless, transparent, odorless liquid with a syrupy consistency (relative density of 1.70).

It is produced from the mineral phosphorus, which is found naturally in the body and foods.

Uses of E338

It has a wide range of applications, used including as a rust inhibitor, food additive, dispersing agent, electrolyte, fertilizer feedstock, industrial etchant, and as a component of several home cleaning products.

E338 slows down the growth of bacteria and molds that would otherwise grow rapidly as well as it makes the flavor more intense in sugar-rich beverages.

Phosphoric acid is also used as an etching agent by orthodontists (a dentist who diagnoses occlusions, overbites, and misaligned jaws and teeth) and dentists.

Coca‑Cola Drinks

Coca-Cola European Partners uses a very small amount of E338 in some of the Coca-Cola system’s soft drinks, including – Coca-Cola Zero Sugar, Diet Coke, and Coca‑Cola Classic.

Some degree of acidity helps to balance the sweetness of the soda. Also, due to its low cost, orthophosphoric acid may be desirable for such applications over alternatives like citric acid.

Is It Vegan-Friendly?

Yes. In addition, this food additive does not contain any of the known allergens, including soybeans, milk products, tree nuts, eggs, peanuts, fish, shellfish, or wheat.

Side Effects And Health Hazards of Phosphoric Acid


It is a corrosive chemical, and contact with the eyes can burn and irritate the eyes.

Kidney Disease & Stones

The prevalence of chronic kidney disease has more than doubled in the last 2 decades, affecting more than 22 million American adults.

Drinking two or more colas per day is strongly associated with a 100 percent increased risk of developing kidney disease, according to a 2008 study that was issued in the journal “Epidemiology.”

Moreover, as per a 2012 study that was done at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, North Carolina, cola consumption may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease.

E338 is also linked with kidney stones due to the fact that it creates an acidic environment in the kidney tract. Therefore, when the urine becomes too acidic, kidney stones are able to form significantly easier.

Teeth DamageClindamycin vs Amoxicillin For Tooth Infection – Side Effects & Uses

The combination of phosphoric acid and sugar causes damage to the teeth (actually, this acid can damage teeth by dissolving calcium) much faster than most other things you can drink.

If you still want to drink cola drinks, it is recommended to use a straw to minimize its contact with your teeth. Furthermore, to prevent staining and to neutralize acids, brush your teeth as soon as possible after drinking the cola beverage.


This food additive contains the mineral phosphorus, which is found in soil and water as well as in almost all foods (particularly in protein-rich foods like dairy products, eggs, and meat).

Phosphorus makes up about 1 percent of an adult’s body and approximately 0.5 percent of an infant’s body. It plays an important role in how the body uses fats and carbohydrates, stores energy, repairs cells, and works with B-complex vitamins.

Phosphorus is a mineral present in the bones. Plus, bones need a good amount to maintain optimum health and function. Also, phosphorus is needed the most in the puberty stages for the growth hormone.

However, too much phosphorus can decrease the amount of calcium in the body, leading to bone loss and eventually osteoporosis, a disease that thins and weakens the bones.

Osteoporosis affects over 75 million people in the United States, Europe, and Japan. Worldwide, this bone condition causes about 9 million fractures every year, resulting in an osteoporotic fracture every 3 seconds.

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Mineral Absorption Interference

Too much phosphorus can limit the body’s capacity to absorb minerals, such as – iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc.

Also, excess phosphorus can cause calcium excretion and can affect in a negative way the level of calcium in the physical body.

Healthier Alternatives to Coke

#1 Waterdrink water woman

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, plain water is the healthiest drink.

Also, a healthier choice is natural flavoring. For this, you can just add slices of your favorite vegetables and fruits, including – oranges, watermelon, lemons, mint, cucumber, or limes — to a pitcher of water for a flavorful, nutritious, and refreshing drink.

#2 Vegetable Juice

Vegetable juices provide the body with a variety of nutrients.

Another benefit of eating vegetables is that they have a low energy density (but are high in nutrients), meaning that you can eat a lot of vegetables without eating a lot of calories.

ALSO READ: Erythritol vs Stevia

#3 Green TeaBenefits of Using Herbal Teas for Natural Healing (And Pain Relief)

It is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet thanks to its high levels of nutrients and antioxidants, which have beneficial effects on the body.

For instance, regularly drinking green tea may substantially reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s or heart disease, ward off eye diseases, help you maintain better bone mineral density, reduce LDL cholesterol levels, and prevent stroke (a sudden interruption in the blood supply of the brain).

Moreover, green tea consumption is linked with reduced mortality due to all causes, according to a 2006 study that was issued in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

ALSO READ: What are the side effects of maltodextrin?

#4 Kombucha

It is a fermented beverage that consists of sugar (from fruit, cane sugar, or honey) and black tea. During the fermentation process, the yeast and bacteria form a mushroom-like blob on the surface, which is why this drink is known as “mushroom tea.”

Kombucha is used as a functional, probiotic food that may help the body function well. Here are some of its health benefits:

  • it may be effective for weight loss;
  • liver detoxification;
  • improved mental clarity;
  • it helps with nutrient assimilation;
  • better sleep;
  • improved pancreas function;
  • it helps reduce Candida;
  • improved mood;
  • better digestion;
  • increased energy levels.

#5 Coconut Water

It is produced naturally in coconut fruit and contains approximately 94 percent water. Young coconuts are usually harvested at 5–7 months of age, to contain the most coconut water.

According to studies, coconut water is an effective home remedy for children in the early stages of mild diarrhea.

Moreover, coconut water contains potassium (an essential mineral for good muscle function and heart health) as well as dietary fiber.

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