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Soursop vs Cherimoya

Comparison Soursop vs Cherimoya:


What is Soursop?

It is a fruit that grows mainly in South and Central America, along with the Caribbean.

Soursop is also referred to as Graviola or guanabana.

Its weight can reach 4 to 5 kg, and it can measure up to 30 cm in length.

Its bark is dark green covered with thorns, and has a pulpy white flesh.

Moreover, this fruit has indigestible black seeds.

Soursop fruit is grown commercially to make candy, juice, ice cream, and sorbet.

What is Cherimoya?

Cherimoya, scientifically known as Annona cherimola, also referred to as sugar apple, is a tropical fruit belonging to the Annonaceae family.

The fruit is native to the Andean valleys of Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia, and Central America.

This fruit has a size of a large grapefruit (up to 5-6 pounds), green skin, with creamy white, sweet and slightly tart flesh, and numerous large, black seeds.

The inner flesh of the fruit starts turning brown as it ripens, therefore, it cannot be stored for a long time as the natural sugars in the flesh will start to ferment.

The seeds and the skin are toxic when crushed, therefore, are not edible.

Health Benefits


May Help Reduce Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

In 2050, over 7 million people in the US will have this condition, with the highest number among populations aged 70 to 79 years (32 percent), women (50 percent), and Hispanics (50 percent).

Soursop has a high content of antioxidants, particularly beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin C, and zinc, that have been found to decrease the risk of eye problems.

In addition, these antioxidants are helpful when you are regularly exposed to ultraviolet rays from sunlight or cigarette smoke, protecting against skin cancer.


Blood pressure is the force of blood in artery walls during circulation. High blood pressure is a condition in which there is a long-term force of the blood against the artery walls.

An estimated 75 million adults in the US have hypertension – that’s about 33 percent of adults.

Untreated, hypertension can lead to severe complications and increases the risk of stroke (the fifth-leading cause of death in the United States), heart disease, and death.

The high concentration of potassium in this fruit and its antioxidant power make soursop an excellent treatment against high blood pressure.

Important note – hypertension is called the “silent killer” since it usually has no symptoms or warning signs.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Extracts from its leaves have shown potent anti-inflammatory attributes in addition to its antimicrobial characteristics, making this fruit a versatile anti-inflammatory food.

Inflammation is part of the body’s immune response. This process can be beneficial when, for instance, your knee sustains a blow and tissues require protection and care.

But, occasionally, inflammation can persist longer than necessary, causing more harm than benefit.

This is called chronic inflammation, which can eventually cause a variety of conditions and diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis and some types of cancer.

Helps Manage Diabetes

In 2017, an estimated 33 million people in the United States had type 2 diabetes. Also, about 1.35 million Americans have type 1 diabetes.

According to a study, extracts of the soursop pericarp can keep blood glucose (sugar) levels in check after a meal. In another study, extract from the soursop leaf was observed to promote the growth of insulin-producing pancreatic cells.

Anti-Aging Properties

Its leaves contain a high amount of vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties which can fight against free radicals.

Free radicals can cause serious problems for your skin’s health associated with signs of aging, which can affect your overall appearance: fine lines, wrinkles, and heavy pigmentation.

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Type 2 Diabetes

This fruit comes loaded with fiber – a type of carbohydrate which offers numerous health benefits. For example, consuming a diet high in dietary fiber protects you from chronic diseases, such as – obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease.

In addition, having a regular diet rich in fiber might reduce your risk of breast cancer.

Detoxifies the Liver

The vitamin B6 found in this fruit helps to regulate GABA levels in the brain.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid is a neurotransmitter that helps send messages between the nervous system and the brain and is vital for dealing with anxiety, emotional stress, and depression.

Moreover, there is some evidence that vitamin B6 is essential in the fight against Parkinson’s disease.

Another great benefit of this vitamin is that it plays an important role in removing unwanted chemicals out of your body. This is why it is prescribed to people who suffer from chronic liver dysfunction.

Vitamin C

This fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C helps the body develop a natural resistance against infectious agents.

Also, studies show that having more vitamin C in your diet can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30 percent. This helps the human body’s natural defenses to fight chronic inflammation.

Vitamin C content is also needed for the production of collagen, the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in the body.

Lowers Blood Pressure

With a good level of potassium in cherimoya, this nutritious fruit can help naturally lower your blood pressure. Potassium is an essential mineral and a natural vasodilator.

This actually means that it relaxes tension in arteries and the blood vessels, which reduces strain on the cardiovascular system.

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Nutrition Facts

Soursop Nutrition

A 100-gram serving of raw fruit contains:

  • 3.3 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 66 calories;
  • 0.3 grams of fat;
  • 16.8 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 20.6 mg vitamin C (34% DV);
  • 1 gram protein;
  • 0.3 mg pantothenic acid (3% DV);
  • 278 mg potassium (8% DV);
  • 27 mg phosphorus (3% DV);
  • 0.1 mg thiamin (5% DV);
  • 0.6 mg iron (3% DV);
  • 21 mg magnesium (5% DV);
  • 14 mcg folate (3% DV);
  • 0.9 mg niacin (4% DV);
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (3% DV);
  • 0.1 mg copper (4% DV);
  • 0.1 mg riboflavin (3% DV).

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Cherimoya Nutrition

A 100-gram serving of raw fruit contains:

  • 2,3 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 75 calories;
  •  0.7 grams of fat;
  • 17,8 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 11,5 mg vitamin C (19% DV);
  • 1,7 grams protein;
  • 0.2 mg pantothenic acid (2% DV);
  • 269 mg potassium (8% DV);
  • 26 mg phosphorus (3% DV);
  • 0.1 mg thiamin (5% DV);
  • 0.3 mg iron (2% DV);
  • 16 mg magnesium (4% DV);
  • 18 mcg folate (5% DV);
  • 0.6 mg niacin (3% DV);
  • 0.2 mg vitamin B6 (11% DV);
  • 0.1 mg copper (4% DV);
  • 0.1 mg riboflavin (7% DV);
  • 0,1 mg manganese (4% DV);
  • 0,2 mg zinc (1% DV);
  • 8 mg calcium (1% DV).

Soursop vs Cherimoya – Taste

The taste of the soursop fruit is a combination of strawberry and pineapple.

The taste of the cherimoya fruit is a combination of banana, strawberry, coconut, mango, pineapple, and papaya. Probably this is why it is called ”the tree of ice cream.”


Saturday 23rd of February 2019

I will always be on the soursop side! :D I like this plant so much and always trying to learn more about it and always searching for more interesting stuff. Thank you! :) I guess I could share one more interesting facebook page, they post so much interesting facts about soursop you could check it out: Tell me what you think :) Have a nice day!