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How Many Candy Corns are in a Bag?

How many Candy Corns are in a bag?


Well, we’re officially in fall now, which means that we’re officially in ‘spooky season,’ which many consider being the best season of the year.

Fall is a season full of amazing colors.

The leaves on the trees look amazing before they flutter effortlessly to the ground until springtime, the air turns cooler, the nights grow longer, and we get to enjoy some delicious seasonal produce.

Not only that but there is also Halloween to look forward to at the end of the month.

When we think of Halloween, we think of ghosts, ghouls, demons, witches, horror movies, and of course, candy.

Candy lovers are in their element in Fall, as we associate Halloween with Trick or Treating, which of course, involves plenty of candy.

One hugely popular candy that is enjoyed is Candy Corn, which is what we’re going to be learning about today.

Want to know about the history of Candy Corn, or how many Candy Corns are in a bag? Read on to find out more.

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What is Candy Corn?

Candy Corn is a small, corn-shaped candy in a triangular shape, that is usually divided into 3 different colored sections.

It gets its name from the fact that each piece of Candy Corn looks just like a piece of real corn taken from corn cob.

The corn, which looks a bit like an ice cream cone, has a sweet and buttery taste with hints of honey, vanilla, maple, sugar, and butter.

Think of the flavors of sweet popcorn, but in a crunchy candy form, and that’s the taste and flavor profile you get with Candy Corn.

Predominantly, the three main colors of Candy Corn are amber, yellow, and white. There are also hints of red.

Made by Brach’s primarily, the main ingredients in this sweet candy are sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, confectioner’s glaze, salt, gelatine, sesame oil, honey, yellow 6, yellow 5, and red 3, as well as artificial flavorings.

Nutritional value

While we generally tend not to worry too much about our waistlines when we eat candy, it always pays to know your nutritional values.

Candy Corn is no different.

In order to enjoy Candy Corn, or any other candy or sweet treat, it is always recommended that you enjoy everything in moderation.

A single recommended serving size of Candy Corn is 19 pieces of candy.

This contains just 140 calories, 0g of fat, 70mg of sodium, and 28 grams of sugar.

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Where did Candy Corn originate?

Candy Corn may be a spooky season staple, but it is not some new creation invented to cash in for Halloween.

The Candy is actually well over a century old, as it was believed to have originated in the 1880s.

While the exact history of Candy Corn is unknown, there is still plenty that we do know about it.

Candy Corn is thought to have been created in the 1880s.

At this time, much of the world had fallen in love with candy, and consequently, there was a great deal of competitiveness between the confectionery companies.

Candy companies needed an edge and were trying all manner of weird and wonderful flavors, creations, and designs.

Pumpkin, chestnut, and even turnip-shaped candy were very much a thing back then, as well as other agriculturally based shapes and designs.

This was because farmers played such a key role in the American labor force, making up roughly 50%.

Needless to say, many kids were living rurally and lived on farms.

The candy companies wanted to appeal to these kids, not just in the Fall, but all year long.

The story goes that a man by the name of George Renninger was responsible for the creation of Candy Corn.

George worked at a candy company in Philadelphia, called Wunderle Candy Company.

Wunderle was officially the first company to ever sell Candy Corn, which featured 3 hand-layered colors with each piece of candy designed to resemble a piece of corn.

Their primary ingredients were sugar, and aptly, corn syrup.

Despite this, however, Candy Corn was not popularized until a company called Goelitz Candy Company (now called the Jelly Belly Candy Company) decided to get involved.

The company sourced the recipe and marketed the “kernels” as a product they called ‘Chicken Feed.’

Why the name?

Well, because at that time, corn wasn’t really considered to be human food.

Corn back then tasted very differently from how it tastes now, and as it was so cheap, it made for a great animal feed.

After WW1, Candy Corn was still associated with chickens and featured them on the packaging.

It became known as a ‘penny candy’ that kids could purchase in bulk, though back then, they were purchased all year long.

It was commonly seen at parties and celebrations, including Halloween.

By the 1950s, candy and Halloween were synonymous with each other, and Candy Corn started to be associated with this spooky holiday, and things took off from there really.

Today, it is estimated by the National Confectioner’s Association, that over 35 million pounds of Candy Corn are sold every single year, primarily in October.

In fact, the day before Halloween is ‘National Candy Corn Day,’ so that alone shows what an important treat this candy is.

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How many Candy Corns are in a bag?

If you’re looking at monitoring your sugar intake, it pays to know how much Candy Corn you’re consuming.

So, how many Candy Corns are in a bag?

Well, a typical resealable bag of Candy Corn contains a whopping 40 ounces of Candy Corn, which equates to roughly 500 pieces.

That should last you a good long while, though you can always share it, or feed lucky Trick or Treaters with it if you wish.